Medication after medication after medication, a long line of trial and error, benefitting only the money-devouring pharmaceutical companies, my therapist, and my local Walgreens at the corner of health and happiness. Compared to 14 months ago, only the median to qualify as “better health” has shifted. I’m still not back to where I was before these life-altering changes and day-defining symptoms, and I’m attempting to remain positive. I continually ask myself, “When will this end?” And it is an answer I don’t have. Frankly, I don’t have an answer to any question— “Why is this happening? What will fix me? How do I move forward feeling this way? Who will help me?” Having no answers and unable to repair the ongoing issues, I’m forced to ask many other questions I’d prefer not to ask. Here I am, frantically reaching for a lifeline, searching for any escape from the dark water dragging me down. Even though I’m still swimming, still managing to keep my head above the surface, the safety of land feels no closer— just an endless struggle.
My Substack is currently free and will remain free, however, I am now offering a member plan that will give you early access to full series releases, discounts, and early access to all artwork and print releases, full archives, additional behind-the-scenes photos and video, and access to private group discussions. It’s just a small way to support me in doing what I love. And again, my free plan will always be available as it’s important to me to be able to share what I create with everyone. If you’d like to become a member, just click the button below…
As a partner of someone with chronic illness, my heart goes out to you. Stay strong, find support anywhere you can. Don't give into despair. You are loved.
Hate to say that I understand the feeling, but here we are. Sometimes it makes it even worse that I work in the healthcare industry and can see the problems on all side - none of which help the affected.